Saturday, January 27, 2007

Church Sign 1 - The Premier Edition

I hope this isn’t over the line, but I can’t help myself. There is a church not too far from where I live that I suspect has assigned the task of choosing and posting a weekly message seen by thousands of cars that drive by each week to a member that is eerily like my mother-in-law (just kidding K- love ya!).

This person seems to love wacky messages that he or she must pick up from some insider newsletter probably called "Church Sign Messages That Are So Cheesy They Are Sure To Keep Pesky Newcomers From Darkening Your Door.”

The sayings on church signs have their own little community of readers and posters. I have even seen books dedicated to nothing more than displaying the most interesting, uplifting, funny and poignantly pithy quips found at churches around the country.

Not this church. They go for good old fashioned goofy.

I don’t mean to offend (so I have at least obscured the church and pastor’s name on the sign), but I have to start posting photos of these signs. I think what pushed me over the line was last weeks message: “Jesus Uses The Cross To Turn a Negative Into A Positive!"

So here we go with what may turn into a regular series:

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1 comment:

  1. OMG! We have one of those down the road from us too. In Upstate NY that is. You don't think they're cloning this person do you?! LOL!
