Thursday, February 08, 2007

Now That's A Stupid Idea

Not much to say today- just don't feel motivated to write. So, I will share with you a great note I read today that I just happened to turn to, TWO DAYS AFTER I talked to my wife Michelle about an idea I have for a new business venture (she likes this one), and a couple weeks after I gave her a hard time for not getting excited/supporting/believing in a wackier idea I had. How timely.

‘Trust Her Intuition’ by Ron Blue

No one has ever come to the office or sent a proposal and said, “Let me show you a bad deal.” On the front end, every business and investment deal is a good one. It only went bad later! What makes investment and business debts so difficult to evaluate and reject are that they are all presented as good deals, and a person would be foolish to turn them down. Therefore, there never seems to be economic justification alone for turning them down.

This is one of the reasons why I feel it is so important to apply the rule that a husband and wife have perfect unity on their debt decisions. God has granted to women a special sense, which some have called intuition, that cannot be explained, but in many cases, it has kept a husband from making a poor decision…

I give two general rules in this area. First of all, if you cannot explain the deal or investment to your wife in such a way that she totally understands it, don’t do it. Second, even if you can explain it so that she totally understands it, but she feels uneasy or unsure in any way about it, don’t do it. Granted, you may pass up many opportunities. However, one of the surest ways to financial success is to avoid the major mistakes, because not only do you have to make up for the lost investment, but also you lose the earnings that this money could have generated, and the earnings that the earnings could have generated, and so on. Again, the Biblical counsel is sound: “He who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” Or, “get rich slow.”

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  1. hopped over from Liza's Eyeview - you've made her Honor Roll of Men's Blogs! Congratulations!!!

    Ron Blue's wisdom is sound and tried-and-true. i've heard this same story over and over from couples.

    husband's often put wives in a difficult place - not when they present ideas, but when they don't allow a cushion for loving response either way.

    what a privalege to be the wife whose husband comes to her with all his hopes and dreams and wishes ... and ideas. what a gift he gives her when he allows God to create a place inside himself to heed the wisdom of the one who loves him with all her heart and soul and wants nothing but the very, very best for him.

    you're a wise man :)

  2. Ame-

    Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I hope to someday be as good as my blog makes me out to be.

