I hear complaints about why more parents don’t participate in the PTA/PTO organizations in their schools. As far as it concerns our local school, this could be one reason:
Yesterday we got a phone call that there was a PTO meeting last night (one of those automated mass-calling types). At 4PM when our girls got home from school they had a note informing us that the meeting was at 6PM that same night, and the main purpose of the meeting was to elect the officers for the next term. The note had a place to write down nominations (officers include president, treasurer, secretary, etc), and a reminder that you should make sure the person you are nominating is aware and interested in serving.
An election season of 2 hours.
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Yesterday we got a phone call that there was a PTO meeting last night (one of those automated mass-calling types). At 4PM when our girls got home from school they had a note informing us that the meeting was at 6PM that same night, and the main purpose of the meeting was to elect the officers for the next term. The note had a place to write down nominations (officers include president, treasurer, secretary, etc), and a reminder that you should make sure the person you are nominating is aware and interested in serving.
An election season of 2 hours.
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Rich, The phone message was actually the night before. So we did have 24 hrs. notice.