Yesterday a large weather band had it’s eye on the South. Our local weather reporters were predicting terrible storms and conditions ripe for tornadoes. Schools in our area were cancelled shortly after lunch, and parents all over were scrambling to get home or contact friends to ask them to watch after their kids.
Since Michelle and I work at home, no problems on our end. Except one- I had an important meeting offsite with a client at 2PM- right at the start of when the storms were supposed to hit our area. Michelle and I chatted about it and I decided to move the meeting to another day.
The last several years, on the days the worst storms hit and my wife and kids have had to hide in a closet, I have been out of town. Michelle remarked that I always seem to be away when the bad ones hit, so I thought it would be better to stay home yesterday.
2PM came and went and besides some rain we got nothing. Unfortunately in places like Mobile AL and other areas in MO and GA, they didn’t have a false alarm. Storms and tornadoes hit hard with loss of life and property. It's a risk that comes with living in this area. We don’t have earthquakes (well, not for 100 years or so), hurricanes, landslides, avalanches or insane heat or cold extremes. We have tornadoes. That’s our curse here in the south. That and a few other things like humidity, grits and civil war reenactments.
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