Wednesday, April 18, 2007

For Me, The Ocean = Boat Rental

Anytime we vacation near the ocean I am compelled by some inner-force to rent a boat and take it out on the ocean.

I know this sounds corny, but whenever I hear the song “Cool Change” by Little River Band (which isn’t often), it rings true to my soul:

If there's one thing in my life that's missing, It's the time I spend alone
Sailing on the cool and bright clear waters
There's lots of those friendly people, showing me ways to go
And I never want to lose your inspiration

Time for, a cool change, I know that it's time for a cool change
Now that my life, is so pre-arranged, I know that it's time, for a cool change

Well I was born in the sign of water, and it's there that I feel my best
The albatross and the whales they are my brothers
It's kind of a special feeling, When you're out on the sea alone
Starin' at the full moon like a lover

Time for, a cool change, I know that it's time for a cool change
Now that my life, is so prearranged, I know that it's time, for a cool change

Well I've never been romantic, and sometimes I don't care
I know it may sound selfish, but let me breathe the air

If there's one thing in my life that's missing, It's the time that I spend alone
Sailing on the cool and bright clear waters
It's kind of a special feeling, out on the sea alone
Staring at the full moon like a lover

Time for, a cool change, I know that it's time for a cool change
Now that my life is so prearranged, I know that it's time
for a cool change

Sorry- the cornymeter is pinging red.

I was in fact born in the sign of water (Pisces) though I recognize no power in the goofyness of the whole zodiac thing.

There is a kind of a special feeling I have when I am out on the sea alone- though I prefer to be out there with Michelle and the girls. The last time I was out on the sea alone, I had rented a 15 foot speed boat and taken it out on the Gulf of Mexico, leaving from Tampa. I was about 10 miles out when a squall developed and I was completely surrounded by thick fog. Now that was an interesting feeling. I slowed down, turned around in the captain’s chair and stared at a spot in the water directly behind me, and tried to turn the boat around and head in the direction I came. After a few minutes I was out of the fog and could see land.

Probably the most amazing experience I have ever had out on the ocean was a few years ago when Michelle, my girls K, L and A, any my sister Carla and B-I-L Josh went out with me on a boat I rented in Newport Beach CA. The seas were a bit rough (about 5-8 foot swells) which makes it THE BEST. At full cruising speed the boat soared through the air as it crested the larger swells and the experience was intense and full of life.

It is common on my jaunts out on the ocean to spot all sorts of sea-life. Sharks, seals, dolphins and so many other fascinating creatures. On this particular trip we did spot a dolphin in the distance and headed towards it. As we approached we noticed that a large part of the water surface ahead was teaming with movement just below the surface.

We got closer and realized we had entered the midst of a massive colony of dolphins- perhaps 100 or more. It was an amazing experience. They looked at us, swam by us, and as we started to move again they raced along with us altering their course to race us, move ahead, slip behind, swim alongside and stare at us. We were able to reach over the boat and touch any number of them. A once-in-a-lifetime experience I suspect.

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1 comment:

  1. I remember your telling me how much you enjoyed being a a boat! Your experience with the dolphins sounded amazing - a "keeper" for the memories, that is for sure.

    Hitting a swell? Yeee--haa!

    I am a Pisces as well and I guess I fit the criteria but ... I'm allergic to fish which is either ironic or apropos.

    I think of myself as a "mountain-woods" type of person but ya know, I do love being near the ocean - probably why I love Cape Town!
