Monday, April 02, 2007

Trip To Los Angeles Part 1- Shut Down

Here’s a mildly interesting occurrence from my trip to LA on Monday/Tuesday. In line (lane B at Southwest) for my flight back from LA to Nashville I had the pleasure of listening to some wacky lady behind me drone on for an hour talking on her cell phone. It was one of those conversations you can’t help but hear- mainly because the person talking right behind you is talking so loud they might as well be in your head. If I could have got a gun through security I think I might have used it. If not on me, at least on her cell phone.

She talked about angel food cake, her car, what she was making for Easter dinner, her lawn, ants, roaches, the gum she just bought that lost its flavor within a few minutes, her sore leg, the weather, the shirt she bought while in LA, American Idol, and how her husband’s gums were bothering him.

After she finished her call, she droned on by picking on a couple in lane A next to her. Turns out they were moving from Orange County to Franklin TN with their two small children (near where I live in Leipers Fork), and were on their first fact finding trip to look at the area, homes, schools- the whole thing. The husband mentioned he had been to Franklin a couple times on business.

Crazy talking lady proceeded to give them 20 minutes of advice about where to live in the area, the best schools, things to do, places to eat, and more. All of it…I mean EVERY SINGLE BIT OF THE ADVICE she was giving was 100% wrong. I don’t know what rock this lady lives under in Franklin, but it must be big and mossy enough to totally shielded her from every thing good and holy. I bit my tongue for the first 10 minutes. At the 20 minute mark my head started to pop off.

“Excuse me…I heard you were moving to Franklin. I live in Franklin and am thrilled your family is moving there. It’s a great town and I can tell you about a few places online you can learn about everything Williamson County has to offer” I butted in and said.

Well…I was shut down. The husband said “Yes- thank you. I know all about Franklin. I’ve been there. Thanks again. Honey- I think we can get out of this line and go to the pre-board section since we have kids.” And they exited stage left.

I can only imagine what this man and his wife thought. “I think we’re making a big mistake. These Franklin people are kooks.”

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