The difference is simply the balance of posts being compelling and interesting versus just ok. This edition I am placing in the 'better than average' column.
Of the 17 posts submitted for this edition, I only chose 9 to include.
Of those 9, I would say 3 rank as very good.
I have chosen my three- would be interested to know your three favorites as well. Enjoy.
Yes! This post is brilliant! Though I do not agree with all that Jon and his terrible mother espouse (you can pick those things up while wading through the sarcastic humor), Jon certainly did a wonderful job of praising his mother in a very creative and fun way. Bravo. Jon Swift presents My Mother Is a Terrible Person posted at Jon Swift, saying, "I know Mother's Day is usually a time when one says nice things about one's mother, but I must be honest: My mother is a terrible person."
Amanda Rose wrote a wonderful post about drive and purpose, and the roles they play in our mental health. That dime-store analysis is totally mine, and I am most certainly not certified or credentialed to publish that sort of analysis treading onto the sacred ground of proper therapists. I do, however, own this blog and carnival, so there. Amanda presents Rugged Mountain Woman, Back from Hiatus posted at Rebuild from Depression Blog.
OK- this is amazing. I love blogs about real-life, but it is hard to write these types of blogs and make them interesting on a regular basis. Truth is, not enough interesting things happen in life to sustain a daily blog. Most lives anyway. Once in a while, from out of the blue (literally in this case), life throws us something truly interesting. Stephanie certainly had an interesting event occur that altered the events of her day, and her dinner plans. Check out Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood: CRASH! posted at Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood.
Although this post certainly fits in the "Real Life" category the author submitted it in, after reading I decided to place it in the Mystery category. It truly is a mystery. And a fun read- a glimpse into a room far more revealing and private than the bedroom- the family kitchen. TherapyDoc presents Going Home, Part One posted at Everyone Needs Therapy, saying, "Going home to the 'rents is a set up for certain disasters."
Elvis is back! And made it in through the creative use of words that aren't quite profane, but allude to the profane. Well done Elvis D. He presents The Quiet Bar posted at 365fiction, an interesting short tale about an intriguing and beautiful woman just back from her husband's funeral.
A touching story of a man that seeks to bless all those around him. Inside his heart is obviously heavy for those around them- asking God to bless and care for strangers on the tube in London. It reminds me of a wonderful quote from C.S. Lewis commenting on those that impact earth and those on it by focusing on Heaven and higher things: "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. The Apostles themselves, who set on foot the conversion of the Roman Empire, the great men who built up the Middle Ages, the English Evangelicals who abolished the Slave Trade, all left their mark on Earth, precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth "thrown in": aim at earth and you will get neither. Damian (EnglishBard) presents The holy man on the train. posted at be the change - tread the path.
This past Sunday our pastor wrapped up a series on tough questions. The last question was 'Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen?' I won't go into the details of the great message, but it came to mind right away after reading Patricia's Make the Most of Every Moment: Lessons from the Terminal Illness That Wasn't posted at Patricia.
A brief post meant to inspire during the depths of tedium, practice and preparation. Dianne M. Buxton presents Persisting Through Tedium to Success posted at manifestingsuccess.
Struggled with how to categorize this post. It's not actually a story, and certainly not a fantasy. It's more of an observation of fantasy and adventure stories and the idea hero and companion/sidekick. A fairly interesting read. I would put this one on the "if I have a bit more time to read another post" list. Vijayendra Mohanty presents The sword and horse package posted at M Y P A J A M A . C O M, saying, "An essay on one of the most done-to-death storybook motifs."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of the storytellers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
I like the Terrible Mother story :)
ReplyDeleteI love a holiday weekend. I'll actually have time to read them all! Thanks Rich