On Memorial Day we went a step further than your ordinary backyard barbeque.
We invited family and friends over for a feast including hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken satay, Italian sausage, and all the trimmings, followed by some vigorous exercise to work off the massive carbohydrate, protein and fat intake.
The exercise? Backyard Olympics. I warned everyone ahead of time, and all said they were eager to join in. But when the appointed time arrived the complaints poured in. Evidently everyone ate too much and wanted to just sit down and get lazy. I insisted, and bullied everyone outside to start the games.
We had a total of 16 people, making 3 teams of 5 work quite well (the sixteenth player was my 2 year old nephew... he was kind of a floater, playing, or not playing, as the mood struck him, for any team he happened to be near.
The scoreboard was laid out meticulously, and the teams predetermined (and vetted by my wife and kids) to ensure skills, abilities, and the lack thereof, were spread evenly amongst the teams.
Of course I was somehow able to make sure Mike (my sister-in-law’s boyfriend), a police officer and former 101st Airborne member, was on my team. Funny how that worked out.
We won.