Sunday, March 15, 2009


I’ve been absent without leave from my blog for several weeks now. Very simple reason… anger and frustration with what’s going on around me. And…

My wife complained that my blog’s gone too political. I take that feedback very seriously because she and my four girls are the only readers I write for. So… I haven’t had much to say that isn’t politically tinged…

My heart and mind has been filled with awe (in the bad sense) and anger at what is happening before my very eyes. Our economy is teetering, our taxes will increase dramatically, my friend (a policeman) has mentioned increases in local suicides, people have lost half their wealth/retirement, the flow of friends and acquaintances letting me know they lost their job and to keep an eye out for them for new opportunities has now hit about 2-5 per week.

How quickly things change. And I doubt this is the change anyone hoped for.

The latest example to me of how insane things have got is the thousands of people protesting government cuts in NYC and California. Loud are the screams when the slop in the public trough dries up. But not to worry- Congress is dipping their ladles into our wallets and future right this very moment and are ready to spread a fresh heap of steaming wealth into the old wooden, cracked and broken trough.

1 comment:

  1. Rich-
    My husband, JOhn, works with the government and sees things up close and personal...
    His words to me yesterday were his favorite line from the movie 'V for Vendetta'
    "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
    Perhaps too much of the former and considerably not enough of the latter has been going on for far too long...
