Thursday, March 01, 2007

Check Out Last Month's Top 5 Greatest 'Hits'

Unanswered Questions
A school report starts a journey of shock, horror and understanding for my 11 year old daughter.

My Worst Presentation Ever Parts 1-3
Have you ever had a business presentation go horribly wrong? Oh yeah? Wanna compare notes? Check out this true tale of failure.

Dreams And Realities
Our dreams are constantly in conflict with our need to pay our mortgage. At what point do you unhook the line, kick off from the dock, and sail towards what you believe you were destined to do?

My A-ha! Moments
40 years worth of enlightenment in only 798 words.

Experimenting With Forms Of Government
Using government to solve the ever present problem of choosing which restaurant to go to.

Finally- the highest HIT piece ever on DigitalRichDaily...yet again...from November 29th, 2006:

Fly The Friendly Skies
A tale of hand-to-hand (or rather butt-to-face) combat at 30,000 feet.

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